If you are having your paper documents and files scanned and transformed into digital images by a reputable document processing services provider, you will want a reliable and secure way to store and keep them organized. That said, consider a digital document management system that can make it easier to manage and retrieve the documents when you need them. Just be sure to pick the right platform that will guarantee security and convenience in the long run. Here’s what you need to look for when selecting the right system:
- The credibility of the service provider – Some companies offering document imaging services are a one-stop source for everything you will need to manage your documents. They offer an electronic document management solution in the cloud to ensure universal and instant access to your digital files anytime, anywhere.
- Easy access – A good digital document management system will improve your business processes and enhance your ability to deliver outstanding customer service when it lets you access your documents from any location.
- Security and data privacy compliance – Reputable document processing services will help you gain security and regulatory confidence with security controls, evidence of audit trials, document history, records retention policies, and user activity.
- Cost-effective – Consider a scalable platform that can easily adjust to your growing needs, especially since you will be storing more documents and files in the same system in the long run. A cloud-based electronic document management solution should be able to address that need. Some document imaging services can even cover the management, so you can free your IT department from the responsibility of managing multiple applications and servers, and performing backups.
- Quick deployment – Choose a digital document management system that can be deployed at a fraction of the time spent in implementing conventional electronic document management solutions. There should be an intuitive user interface that will reduce the need for extensive training to use the platform.

For more information on how Foveonics Document Solutions can help, contact us